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Department releases new App to clamp down on slurry export fraud

The Department of Agriculture has released a new App aimed at clamping down on slurry export fraud.

The Organic Nutrient Movement App has been launched to coincide with the opening of the slurry spreading season in certain parts of the country.

The App will aid farmers in declaring and verifying organic nutrient movements between holdings.

Some farmers have been exporting slurry between holdings ‘on paper’, but not in reality in order to meet stocking-rate limits imposed under the nitrates regulations.

The App will aid farmers to meet the new 4-day timeframe in place since the start of the year for declaring an organic nutrient export from the holding.

A user manual for the new App and further guidance on declaring and verifying organic nutrient movements is available at: www.gov.ie/nitrates.

Farmers and agents can still opt to declare an export and verify an import of organic nutrients within the required timeframes, using the Nitrogen and Phosphorus section of their www.agfood.ie account.

In limited cases, for example, a movement involving the representative of a deceased herdowner, a paper Record 3 for an organic nutrient movement may still be accepted, provided it is fully completed and submitted within 4 days of the export occurring, by e-mail to: nitrates@agriculture.gov.ie or by post to: Nitrates Section, Water and Air Quality Division, Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Johnstown Castle, Wexford, Y35 PN52.

In launching the App, the Department acknowledged the input received from stakeholders including farm organisations and the Farm Advisory Service, which facilitated development of the App with end users in mind.

The Department also reminds farmers, that to be considered valid an organic nutrient movement must be recorded online by the exporter and verified online by the importer within the following timeframes, as appropriate:

  • Organic nutrient movements that took place in 2024 must be verified by the importer by 23:59 on 14 January 2025.

  • With effect from 1 January 2025 organic nutrient movements must be declared by the exporter within 4 days of the movement taking place.

  • Organic nutrient movements made between 1 January and 30 June 2025 must be verified no later than 14 July 2025.

  • Organic nutrient movements made between 1 July and 31 December 2025 must be verified no later than 14 January 2026.

Reporting on:independent.ie